Hurdles and what "just six weeks" can include

Nothing goes easily or smoothly all the time. This is real life. So a few hurdles among many errands and lists have left me exhausted. But all this driving has given me time to ponder how much can change when just six weeks passes, particularly the next six weeks.

I'll land in Bali on Thursday, and Groundhog Day is on Friday. It's my favorite holiday, and I will check all the groundhog readings in WV and our surrounding states to see if my guess of an early spring is correct. I'm not the only one who has already been hearing spring birds in the mornings.  Daylight savings time change will happen while I'm gone, as will Valentine's Day. The vernal equinox will occur just one week after I land on terra firma. So, as soon as I unpack, I'll need to mow the lawn, power-wash the back porch, and look for hanging planters. Then green beer will flow on St. Patrick's Day less than a week after I get home. 

Looking over the calendar, I see that I'm going to miss National Carrot Cake day (February 3rd). Somebody, save me a piece, please! In fact, I'm departing the USA on January 30th, National Croissant Day, so I'll be sure to grab one at the airport on my way to the gate. And I return on March 12th, National Girl Scout Day, so I'll celebrate by looking for Girl Scout Thin Mints. I see a pattern emerging... 


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