Dragon Fruit and Banana

Dragon fruit grows locally, so it's always available to us. It's an intense magenta color inside, and a magenta/pink color outside. The skin is not at all prickly and is quite easy to slice through. The fruit texture is like a kiwi and takes no effort to scoop out. The taste is very pleasant - mild and sweet. 

We also get local bananas. They are much smaller than those in America. The taste is just amazing! Yes, they taste like bananas, but with something like a vanilla flavor and tropical fruit flavor, too. The banana flesh is not as soft or slippery, but rather like ripe plantain. 

I took the photo using the same cup's saucer and my bamboo spoon to give you a sense of the size. 

By the way, our rooms each have two ceramic tea cups/saucers and two spoons. Since we didn't receive any plates in our coconut/bamboo food kit, I used the saucer - which I then washed, of course. 


  1. While on your "Hero's" journey, I noticed you are partaking in the whole the culture physically and spiritually. The pictures you have shared are very interesting.

  2. Can almost smell it. Looks so good. T


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