This time next week...

... I will have landed in Qatar and found may way to the gym/pool (if all goes as currently planned). I will have left home about 24 hours earlier. "It's a long way to Tipperary." 
Today is my last day at work for nearly two months (I have started scheduling clients on or after March 20th, if you're wondering). Tomorrow I pack up my office gear. At home, I already have my suitcases out and a large laundry basket full of various items to pack. I have to remind myself of moderation as things pop into my head that I'd like to take with me - "simplify." I expect subsequent, extensive, international trips will be easier as I cut my teeth on this first one (note reference to "this first one" which suggests that I might have an urge to repeat this sort of craziness sometime in the future).

I am particularly grateful for the assistance of the staff on the ground in Bali as they help me with ground transportation, visa application, housing questions, and so much more, all with exceptional grace and respect. I will enjoy being immersed in such a culture. The greatest danger in visiting Bali is never wanting to come home... I am beginning to understand why that is said. 


  1. Wishing you the BEST in Time and Experience. I contend that this will be a "Hero's journey for me. On your return, you will be a better version of yourself when you reach At-One-Ment (Atonement). Vicariously, I will be enjoying your journey.

  2. I meant a "Hero's journey for YOU. It will be vicarious for me.


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