Class Notes Day 16, Wed 2/21 - Saraswati, Gestalt

"Each day is a new life. Seize it. Live it."

Saraswati - Hindu/ Buddhist goddess of art, music, literature/speech,
wisdom/learning/knowledge, flowing water, abundance/wealth

Contact/sense of self
enter your experience

Sat in small groups for Gestalt session

Full hour trade with Hope
Prepare yourself
then notice your partner - what does she want?
notice her breath
notice how she moves and how she feels
What do I want to offer her?
Orient myself to her unique experience in this time and place
Don't do MY agenda TO her
What are HER needs?

Do less - minimalist approach to touch? - interesting idea

Use my two hands independent of each other, not always in unison

Orient yourself to your client's sensory awareness for non-verbal feedback.

Forearm work on hip and leg - prone
over the sheet, do sacral compressions w/forearm (long, vertical) and hand compression
   on scapula
continue over hip
lift lower leg, do joint mobilization movement with upper hand resting on thigh
use forearm on hamstrings
be creative with the other hand
face head of table, place client's shin against my chest/shoulder
work the gastroc w/hands
both hands do compression between them
twist gastroc
effleurage gastroc
pull 2 muscle bellies apart with fingertips
foot massage
integrating long stroke
then pause


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