Class Notes Day 17 [PART 1], Thu 2/22 - Forgiveness, Tidbits of Wisdom, 5 Master Massages, Lumbar Twist w/Legs

"There's a voice that doesn't use words. Listen."

Get more clothes for hot, summer weather. Lightweight, loose, long "shorts".

Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer - song Ho Opono Pono
[Same four things as in A.C.T.S.]

Table lab work - dressed, changed partners 3 times each

Every massage is (or should be) a unique story, unique dance. 

Seeing the client's soul is more important than technique or fancy moves.

Every single massage you give will be an evolution of all the ones you've given before.

It's not what I do to the client, it's what we create together.

"Oohs" and "ahhs" and big sighs help oxygenate the blood which helps the muscles.

Constantly return to myself, my breath, and the client's breath.

Massage should end with client's arms and feet unbound and free - not "mummy" style

Esalen massage is creative and changes each time.

Practitioners at Esalen work side by side in the same space with others

Hip joint mobilization, leg crossing over center, lumbar twist
Put client's hands on belly
Scoop bottom sheet and feet with lower hand
slip upper forearm under knees
bring knees up to chest using upper hand only for guidance, NOT pressure
all pressure comes from leaning lower forearm on soles of feet toward head
roll knees/legs around to loosen lumbar spine
rest their feet on the table, brace shins against my hip/ab
   with their knees as close to their ear as possible
use both hands to reach across and lift hips
pull sacrum toward me and compress ribs in opposite direction to increase twist

Then we watched five master Esalen therapists give massages to five staff all in the same space in silence. What an amazing, enlightening, and educational experience that was to watch! Moving, too. I wrote a separate blog about that experience.

Fri 2/23 - class, then supper, then women's ceremony at local family temple 
   50.000 IRD donation
Sat 2/24 - class all morning (7am pool bodywork), then breakfast, then temple?, then exams ("brief assessments"), then what???, then dinner at other location - confusing
   50.000 IRD donation
Sun 2/25 - final exams begin ("assessments" - we have to give a faculty member at least one full massage sometime between Sun and Wed)


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