Report #1, Giving Massage

Name:  Long Xing (R shoulder, L knee, 8:15 scuba)

Date:  Sun 2/18 (7:am)

1. How did you feel during the session (emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally)?

Anxious particularly because we do not share a common language, although Kate agreed to meet us there so I could ask Long Xing some important questions before I started (so I planned ahead). Anxious because it's my first full-length massage given here. Physically I felt fine although hot. Spiritually I was disconnected because my intellect was trying to remember all the nuances - where to exit/enter the body, watching client's breath, doing connecting strokes after detail work, proper body mechanics, etc. Mentally busy with everything I'm trying to learn.

2. What areas of the body did you feel comfortable working on?

Back, hips, legs, neck, ears, arms, hands.

3. What areas of the body did you feel uncomfortable working on?

Ran out of time to do much work supine, so did not work on face, torso, or feet. Not uncomfortable with any part. 

4. How were you in touch or not in touch with your intuition during the session? 

Too busy trying to remember/correct myself when forgetting things. Felt like the massage should reflect the new work I'm learning here, and the only way I can learn it is first through my brain, then through my heart. I already trust my intuition, but my mind has to be silent in order to access my intuition. If you want to include client's clues are part of intuition, then yes, I was aware and in touch with client's responses such as sighs, moans, drifting in/out, etc.

5. What did you learn from the client? 

That I have a long way to go before I don't have to "remember" things as they will have become a part of my heart and hands and no longer need my mind to access them. To learn the #1 goal of the client and be sure that I meet it (in this case, it was to end exactly at 8:15, which I did). And that it is challenging to work with a client with whom I do not share a common language. I really want to have certain information before beginning the massage (not the least of which is the client's motivation for being on my table), and I like to be able to ask questions and receive verbal feedback (if any) during the massage. 

6. How will you improve your work? 

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Learn how to more effectively spread lubricant with initial long strokes without being awkward. Become better at the initial overall introductory flow so it's faster and smoother. Stop myself from continuing something that I believe is helping the client in order to be respectful of the "contract" of time I have made with the cilent. 


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