Report #2, Getting Massage

Practitioner's Name: Miu   

Recipient's Name: Nancy

Date: 2/19/24

1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed?

Yes. I fell on my left hip last night, so she accomodated that and did no deep work as I asked.

2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage?

Yes, many, and very slow ones. She wove me together.

3. Did your practitioner occasionally ask you how the depth of the work was for you, and if you were warm enough?

No. The warmth is a non-issue here. And we already talked about no deep work so there was no need to ask more.

4. Was your practitioner conscious of adequately draping you during your massage?

Definitely. Done gently and felt safe.

5. Please take time to make any additional comments you have about this massage experience. 

As with many massages, my brain went into that "altered state" and surfaced and dove throughout the massage. The only suggestion I had was to do a slight extension on any limb or the head before setting it back down so the joint feels open.


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