What I will do today, Sunday, my "day off to relax"

Set my alarm for 6:am to be sure I'd be up.

Shower, etc.

6:45 get to wantilan to prep to give massage to classmate

7:am give massage to classmate (Long Xing) (homework)

9:am finish massage, feedbck, and cleanup

9:15 shower, write up massage analysis form

10:am receive massage from classmate (Miu) (homework)

noon give another classmate (Hope) a massage (homework)

   [didn't happen so more time for other homework, paperwork]

2:pm - 3:pm feedback, cleanup, write up two massage analysis forms

3:pm free time

3:45 shower, prep to go out

4:pm entire class is transported to another location for social time together

   [I may go at 5:pm to have more time to rest]

6:30pm supper at that location

9:pm back to my room, set alarm for 5:30am to prep for 7:am class tomorrow

9:15 to bed


  1. Yikes! Even God gets to rest on the sabbath.

    1. LOL Well, that dashes any thought I may have been entertaining that my teachers are Goddess/God. We have 4 weeks to accomplish X amount. It's kind of like an island of time with finite borders. So while our classes run all day Monday through Friday, and a long half-day on Saturday, we also have to do things outside of class time, including giving at least 4 massages to classmates, receiving at least 4 massages from classmates, and receiving at least 2 massages from Esalen practicioners here in our resort, plus paperwork and such. In addition, outings have been arranged. One that was sadly cancelled was to go to a local orphanage and massage the children. If I understood correctly, that orphanage recentely closed. We will be observing a Hindu/Buddhist Balinese temple ceremony next week. Several days ago we were invited to the local farmer's market at 5:am. I had planned/wanted to go, but was simply too exhausted. Tonight we are going to a location to (finally) see an beach (our resort is on a lagoon that opens to the ocean), meet other Balinese people, and have supper in a different restaurant. Seems to me there are other plans, as well, but right now I can't remember them.
      I'm VERY glad I planned another week here on Bali after class has ended. I would like to rest, and I would like to vary my experiences here.


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