Woohoo, Rain! (Sun 2/25)

It's Sunday afternoon, the 25th. What I originally thought would be another full day is turning out to be lovely and homey, rather than schooly. 

Last night we went on another supper outing (our class's second) at a resort that's slightly downscale from the one we visited about a week ago. It was my second time outside of Mimpi (the resort/retreat center we're staying in) since I arrived three weeks ago. 

I was really grateful for the evening drive. I was able to see homes and businesses and temples and non-touristy areas in this more remote part of Bali Island. I can't even begin to describe what I've seen. I don't think I know the words to help you visualize what this part of the world is like - it is literally and figuratively so absolutely foreign to me. More on that the week after classes are done.

Before we left Mimpi last night, the first heavy daytime rain started, so by the time we were gathered at the entry to load into cars, some folks were pretty soaked. Most used umbrellas, but I wore my Starry Night poncho which kept me dry down to my knees. 

It was a pleasure to many of us to finally experience the true rain of this rainy season after 3 weeks of almost no rain at all. And it was a downpour that lasted about an hour or two. It precluded enjoying the beach or the pool, but it was still fun to get out in it. A warm rain isn't necessarily a bad thing.

By the time dinner was over, the rain had stopped and the temperature had dropped into the upper 70s I'd guess. This morning dawned intensely hot and sunny. But then...

About an hour ago - around 2:pm - rain started back up. A heavy, pounding, profound rain. I decided to sit out on my own porch to write, but just as soon as I got comfy out there, the center of the storm came overhead and the thunder was extreme! Holy smokes! I don't think I've ev...

OMG! Lighting just struck right outside my room with a huge bolt of thunder! I screamed and pulled a leg muscle as I threw my tablet across the bed! LOL  I'm laughing my ass off! Ow! Only I could hurt myself sitting in bed typing, right? LOL Ouch, my leg hurts. Ow. Damn. LOL Where was I before lightning distracted me?

Yeah, so anyway, a little bit ago I decided it would be really cool to sit on my porch protected from the rain to be closer to it while I typed, but that thunder got me right back inside. And then all settled back down here, and the lightning strike of a minute or two ago. Wow. Sigh. Catching my breath. I need to pee now, but I'm not going to my outside bathroom right this minute, no way. In any event, I'm glad I was back inside my room when that lightning hit!

The rain here is big, as in the water droplets are big. It's really like a good rain-head shower here. And, so far anyway, the storms don't seem to have wind attached to them like they do back home. These are just literal downpours. I wonder how many inches of rain have come down since this started an hour ago. 

There are two seasons in Bali - and this is not a joke - dry and wet. Not everywhere in the world has four seasons. I never really thought about that until this trip. So the peak of the wet season happened before I arrived here, but we're still in the wet season. Last year's class apparently was plagued by rain day after day. We've been plagued by heat and sun. 

While I'd enjoy doing a massage in the wantilan (outdoor pavilion/classroom) in the rain, I'm afraid that this thunder/lightning business would have me screaming and flailing - not good while giving what is supposed to be a relaxing massage. 

I think the center of the storm has moved about a mile away, so will go out and try and video just a bit of it. Hang on, I'll be right back. I hope! ... Yes, got some simple video from my room to my front porch. 

I had to cut it into two pieces:

This footage is from a couple hours later, after dark...

Well, that was interesting having the power go out (as you can see in the fourth, fifth, and sixth videos just below)! What an adventure!


I must add that the Balinese have done amazing things with draining water off the walkways and other important areas. I've admired the ditches and things I've seen for the last three weeks, but it wasn't until last night and this afternoon that I've seen how truly effective they are. Even in the worst of the downpours, there was no pooling or flooding on the walkways. It's quite impressive. Clearly they've adapted to living with their two seasons just as we've adapted to living with our four. Again, I have to say that the Balinese are remarkable people. 

I'd heard from some of my classmates that sometime the thatch of our roofs sometimes will drip water during heavy storms. Walking across my marble floor just now, I discovered that my roof has such a spot, too. It's not over my bed, so it's just a part of life. 

It is, after all, still the rainy season here in Bali. 

And now, around 8:pm Sunday night, the rain appears to have abated. For now, anyway.


  1. there's few things so sweet as a warm rain and hopping into the puddles!

  2. Very interesting. When you spoke of the rainfall and dispersement of the rainwater, it reminded of Japan and Hong Kong of how well the landscapes were tailored to maintain stability with the topography. What was the sound on your 3rd video that sounded like an animal? Thank you for sharing meaningful parts of your life's journey.

    1. Several of the sounds I have yet to know the source of, that being one. Someone at breakfast said she thought it was the sound of a particularly large type of lizzard. It droned on and one for a few hours. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to fall asleep because it was so loud, but I managed. LOL There's "tired" and then there's "TIRED!"


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