Class Notes Day 23, Thur 2/29 - Swirling on the Grass, Swim Party, Trade Massages, Anniversary Party

"Dare to believe the whispers in your ears that you might be special, that you might be meaningful, that one day you might change the world."

Ellen asked us to meet at 6:30 in the morning to dance/spin in the grass next to one of the pools while the photographer and a drone captured images to be used in something that she's preparing for or contributing to. 

We spent a good bit of time dancing, spinning, and otherwise rolling around on the grass and hugging the trees before we stripped down to our swimsuits and jumped in the pool. Much fun was had by all. 

You won't find me in most pictures of class activities. I'm not one to be in the center of the action most of the time. I sing harmony, not melody. I'm an introvert. 

In the dancing, I went from the outside edges down into the trees. I spent most of the time dancing with one tree in particular, actually. And it felt good. To me, anyway. Not sure if the tree liked it or not, though I suspect it did. I finished the dance part of the class by rolling downhill and came out laughing loudly and having a blast all by msyelf. 

In the pool, I hung to the side and watched everyone else get talked into one thing or another, or dragged into it sometimes. Some of it looked fun and I would have joined in, but there were too many cameras and I'm not fond of how I look in pictures, so opted to stay out of camera range. 

Someone put together a cute multiple image of Ellen, our teacher, in her Pink Dragon dress, as she jumped into the pool at the end of the party.

After breakfast, we gave a full, long massage to a student. After the next break, we traded places with that partner. 

During the break, Ellen and a few others set up a market in the wantilan, selling sarongs, oils, and other related items. I looked but did not buy anything, in case you're curious. 

After dinner, we celebrated Richard and Edith's 11th/44th wedding anniversary (married on leap day/year 44 years ago). Richard is a student in our group, and his wife, Edith, came with him to Mimpi. I've really enjoyed getting to know each of them and both of them together. I may do a separate post about them and full of wonderful images of them. But here they are, having some fun together in the pool and at dinner:


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