Flight plan change and possible post-class project


And now that I have your attention, there's nothing brilliant to say. Just a few bits for now.

First, my travel has changed a little. I'm leaving on January 30th, arriving in Bali on February 1st. Yes, three days door to door (Fairmont WV to Mimpi Resort). About 48 hours, but with a long layover in Qatar and Bali being thirteen hours ahead, that makes for three days. At least it's afternoon to afternoon, rather than wee-morning to late-night.

I just received an email that at the end of our four-week class, we've been invited to spend a few days at the Biosphere Foundation to help with a watershed regeneration program and to help clean the water/beaches of Menjangan Island (about five miles off the coast of Bali). Here's a great reggae song showing the work I'll be doing on Menjangan Island if I join them. I'm not sure yet how I will spend the extra week I am staying after class is over.  

Now back to my overwhelmed brain and stacks of notes and files. 

By the way, "thank you" translates to "terima kasih" in Bahasa Indonesia. I just realized it transliterates to "accept love." Such a warm way of thanking someone, isn't it? 

Astaga - hanya enam belas hari sampai aku pergi!


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