
Just time for a brief note as I change planes in Philly. Flight to Qatar is boarding. It's overbooked, so it'll be completely full. There goes the dream of being able to spread out a little bit. But there are far worse problems in the world. 

On a positive note - people are fundamentally kind. Two men cut me off in line boarding the Pitt/Philly flight, and another man was kind in acknowleding that to me. Two or three passengers gave me space to get my overhead bag rather than rushing right past. I dropped my traveling companion, Teddy, out of my bag, and a man rushed up behind me to return it to me. Just now, I went to fill my water bottle and a woman spoke to me. She recognized me from the Pitt/Philly flight and is on this next flight with me, as well. She and her newborn are not going to be sitting with her husband, so she is feeling overwhelmed. I hope I can help somehow. We're all in this together, truly. But flying has changed in the 60+ years since I first traveled by air...

Remember when the whole family went with you to the airport? They all came in, stood at the gate, and frustrated the gate agent who was trying to close the door? When you kept your shoes on, and your belt, and didn't have a computer to contend with at all? When the halls were lined with phone booths, most of which would fill as soon as a flight landed? Watching arriving passengers straining their necks to find their loved ones in the crowd, followed by shouts of delight when they did? When extroverts talked to strangers and introverts read books and nobody buried themselves in devices? When passengers walked on the tarmac and climbed stairs into the airplane? When seats were comfortable? Food was yummy? And hot towels were passed to each passenger? Oh, and when people wore their "good clothes" when they flew? 

You do? Then you're not young. Neither am I, yet here I am jetting more than half-way around the world by myself for six weeks. 

My father was an explorer. He drove from Mexico City to Panama (and back) on his own in the very early 60s. People told him he was crazy and it was dangerous. He had an amazing time, making friends with those "dangerous" people as he traveled. Thank you, Dad, for giving me those genes. 

Time to board. I'm excited to experience a long flight on a big airplane, then to explore the world's most amazing airport in Qatar. More from there. 


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