The Journey Begins - Pittsburgh Airport


Teddy and I are headed out at long last! It's been a not-entirely-pleasant last several days running into hurdles as I already shared. But the planning is done and the trip has finally started. We're sitting in the Pittsburgh airport, ticket in hand, two bags checked, security cleared (which was actually fun - not busy and a couple really pleasant TSA agents), at the empty gate. Passport in hand and visa awaiting me in Bali. As tired as I am, I think I'll be able to sleep on the two long flights. This first one is just an hour or two to Philly. In about 48 hours, I'll be landing in Bali, "God willin' and the creek don't rise." 

Why a picture of me with my late canine partner, Ms Be Haven? Because for many years, she was with me on every flight. I'm more anxious than in the past because I don't have her by my side today. She was good for me. She gave me a reason and a way to stay calm. Wow, do I miss her! But I suppose that's why I dragged Teddy off the top shelf. We'll see you in Philly!


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