Class Notes Day 12, Fri 2/16 - Spinning, Esalen cornerstones, Supine Shoulder, prep to give massage Sun 7:am

"I choose to believe all things are possible."

I heard a table crack when one of the students sat on it in the middle!
   We've been told not to do that - they really are cheaply made tables

On "lab days" we don't need to do long strokes
next week's labs: supine shoulder and hip

"Spin until you pass through the doorway..."
Talked about Sufi Muslim "whirling Dervish" practice
we sat on the floor and did a sort of 3-dimensional spin
then got up and spun with a partner
then spun by ourselves with a spotter watching over us

Esalen massage cornerstones:
long slow strokes that connect the body, reintegrate
awareness of our own breath
attentive to the breath of the client
Goal for self and client - reach Maslow's hierarchy of needs top level

Remember to go from long strokes to specific work then back to long strokes
General to specific back to general
Whole body to segment back to whole body

[After (and before) the conversation about boundaries, I find it strange and difficult to be in a massage class of 30 people for a month and have no casual touch]

lighter strokes are faster
deeper strokes are slower

Supine shoulder work
Pec minor - coracoid process to ribs 3, 4 and 5
Pec major - clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage, aponeurosis to bicipital groove of humerus
traps go all the way down to T12

use "snake" to pick up arm smoothly

sit facing head of table
lay forearm on my thigh, hold hand with my outside hand...
   work pecs w/inside hand while rotating arm in cone shape with outside hand
   using sustained compression or short strokes
to go deeper, stand and use body weight

do long stroke down side of body with arm overhead

I definitely need to integrate more movement and joint mobilization in my work

stand at side of table
cross my hands
lay on sternum facing away from each other - push out toward shoulders
good way to move to neck work from there

[I ordered Pepes Ikan 145.000 and Flan 70.000 for Sunday night]

I really liked the simple, cool, foot wipe - want to add to my practice as prelude

tie a knot on four corners of flat sheet to keep it in place

when client is supine, neutral position generally put their hands on their belly
buy more and a variety of pillows for office
buy more flat sheets? use on top of fitted sheet if they don't slide around
buy scarf for neck work - about 6" x 36" - plenty, just put on table no matter if used or not
   can I find a slightly stretchy, very smooth fabric?

scarf work - at end of supine work before long strokes, finishing work
   otherwise, it falls off and gets in the way
   OR don't lay it over the eyes, just return it to the table
should cover suboccipital to entire posterior surface of head
hold about 6" above face
VERY slowly rock/move head (similar to head unwinding)
when finished, lay ends of scarf over client's eyes

forearm under client's neck (IF it fits easily) to opposite shoulder,
   draw back across shoulders and down arm to fingertips

when pulling arm across chest to other side, draw it under the breast, not above it!
   then draw the torso up onto its side and work posterior shoulder area
   keeping hips flat on table
   run fingers along intercostals
   traction shoulder up and toward feet
return arm, but before it's completely back on table, slip one hand under the scapula
work posterior shoulder area
rotate shoulder girdle from underneath and above together

snake client's forearm over mine while on cross-chest lift to keep it out of the way 
   while I work on the back of the shoulder and posterior ribs

With client in supine splayed position, set pillow on and between thighs to feel safer

Intention is to work away from center - create space where density exists

Interesting way to apply traction to a hand that's oily

Full moon Saturday 2/24 so supper out
Sat 2/24 may go to full moon Balinese/Hindu ceremonies during the afternoon post-class

Questions for massage recipient Sun 7:am - look in handbook for them all
any injuries or limitations?
areas of focus?
prefer deeper or lighter pressure?
anything you like or don't like?
use thumbs up, thumbs down, and stop gestures


  1. Casual touch should be possible WITH your partner’s consent, I would think. Maybe not?

    1. Definitely, yes, it is. What is strange, odd, different to me is being with a group of people for an entire month, touchy-feely people, massage therapists, and it not being okay to casually touch each other. Of course, I don't mean in intimate ways, but a hand on the back, touching a hand. Other classes I've been to, it was "normal" to walk up to a table where a clothed classmate is lounging, and maybe lean on their calf, or put my fingers into a muscle on the shoulder, or hug. It's my understanding that one or more people complained about someone/s breaching personal boundaries. That generated two days of lecture and some discussion about the issue. There was no final guidance to our class, so what I understand is that I dare not touch anyone else at any time unless I verbally ask permission and get it. I feel awkward in this situation. And if I've done something, I'd really, really like to know what I've done so I don't repeat it. Because maybe I did. Particularly with unfamiliar cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai), I could be doing something grossly inappropriate and not know it. Even the teachers milling around the room are no longer able to simply step up and put a hand on us unless they ask permission first. It's the polar opposite of any massage class I've ever attended.

    2. Perhaps you could announce to the group that a brief touch on the shoulder or the hand is ok with you and most welcome anytime. You could also say what’s NOT ok. Everyone’s boundaries are different. The whole group shouldn’t be bound by the desires of the most squeamish. But times certainly have changed! I’ll be spending a week at Esalen Big Sur in May. It will be interesting to see how the norms there have changed.

  2. I thought it was only in America that one person's objection changes the world for everyone else


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