Friday, March 8th - What I've (Not) Been Up To All Week

Have I been conspicuous by my absence? It's been a strange week. Not bad, per se, just not what I was planning or expecting. 

I've spent most of it in my room, to be honest. The heat here is hard for me to tolerate, and my room is the only place - other than the pool - where I can find respite. And I can only spend a limited amount of time in the pool or I will burn. 

But I do love the pools. There are two here. They are bathwater warm which is surprisingly pleasant in brutal heat. The water comes from a natural hot spring on the property and contains more of some mineral or other which makes it easier to float in. In fact, every time I climb out, I am reminded of the power of gravity and just how much of a burden every pound is on feet and knees and hips and spines. 

Short recap of my week - 

Sunday I was trying to decompress and disconnect from the energy of the intense class, yet I remained attached by connecting with four other students and the teacher who is still here. Three of the students and I went out to swim in the ocean at last before having a beach-side supper together, de-briefing as we dined. 

We also spent time together exchanging massages and sharing ideas table-side Sunday and Monday. 

Monday afternoon, I finally had a melt-down and went to bed. My guts churned for the next 36 hours or so - nothing I ate, just emotions and a desparate need to stop everything and rest. 

By Wednesday, I was hungry again (having not eaten since Monday morning) so had a healthy breakfast at the wonderful restaurant. All was fine.

While the final exams ("assessments") were supposed to be completed by Thursday of last week, mine was put off a few times by the teacher since she knew I was staying this week. On one hand, it was a relief. On the other, it continued to drag out the class stress and I just wanted closure. 

She's the same teacher I had 21 years ago when I sailed through the class easily. She's changed. I've changed. And I have 25 years of experience under my belt now that doesn't all meld with everything she was teaching us. The only real need to "pass" this class is to become certified as an Esalen massage practitioner. Where I live, 99.9% of the population has no idea what that means, so it has no value to my business. I was giving very serious consideration to telling her I wasn't going to do it. 

But when Wednesday morning rolled around and my body and mind were settled back down, I decided to move forward and simply give her "my style" of massage. Bear in mind that I took this same class twenty-one years ago and it's had a profound influence on my work all these years. All feedback is worth hearing, and especially experienced, educated feedback like hers, so I set up the table as planned at noon.

It was, of course, another brutally hot, humid day in the mid-90s. But she and I were both in really mellow moods and we settled in with our first big sighs together (which made me giggle) and enjoyed ourselves. I did what comes naturally to me and tried my best to not drip sweat on her (yes, really) while I worked. It was like dancing with a good partner, pleasant, satisfying, with some really smooth moments, a hiccup or two, a brief conversation, and then it was over. And, yes, I passed. She was very complimentary and said the 25 years of massage was evident in my hands. And I breathed a big sigh of relief.

Throughout the five weeks here, I've struggled some with my right knee and my left hip. The right knee is a long-term issue that back home is pretty well under control with my collagen and cherries and regular activities. But here I haven't had cherries and haven't had as much collagen as I do at home, so... yeah, it's a bit of a problem. I'm eager to return to my routine and get relief again. 

My left hip problem is from when I fell ass-over-teacup a few weeks ago on the cement sidewalk here. I'm sure there's no joint issue or long-term damage, but again, I need my healthy routine and some patience. But trying to sleep, or sit, or walk, or swim, or whatever with a "bum" right knee and left hip has been a little difficult. 

The best laid plans... Going out to take pictures in this intense heat is just not something I want to do, as much as I'd like to share it all with you. Sitting at my desk to type is impossible due to knee/hip, and laying in bed trying to type isn't very comfortable. My mood hasn't been entirely pleasant and creative and artsy. 

I've done a lot of thinking. Seeing my life from a different angle. Looking at my work as a massage therapist and teacher. Deciding what changes I will make in my life when I return home. Remembering how much a canine partner has added to my life in the past and that it might be time to partner up again. 

So that's what I've been doing rather than all kinds of exploring and pumping out stories and pictures for me to remember and you to witness. 

Tomorrow morning I will be finally leaving Mimpi. A car has been arranged to drive me all the way across the island (up and down over the mountains) to an inexpensive but safe little guest house not far from the airport. The drive to Mimpi was at night and I was exhausted and car-sick. This drive will be in the daytime and I'm excited to finally see much of the island. 

I will ask the driver to give me a few minutes in a Bali Buda store so I can pick up some local foods to take home. I'm excited to finally get there. Check out and drool! Then onward to "Kos Bulan Bali" guest house (no website, but you can google that phrase and find info/pictures) where I'm staying in a simple room overnight. I'll need to arrange a car to get me to the airport around 6:30 Sunday morning. Then begins the Brutal. Trip. Home. Ughhhhhhhhhhh

I'll put my trip details in a separate post for those "close to home" who want to keep track of me as I travel.

So for now I'll just wrap up this post. The day has gone from brutally hot and humid to a thunderstorm. I like the sound. I'm hoping, though, that tomorrow's drive is dry.


  1. I hope the remainder of your stay is safe and rewarding. Moreover, I hope your internal and external travels are safe and secure. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share parts of your Hero's Journey. While I have only some pictures of you and the postings in your blog, I sense there is a stronger and better NANCY. Ubuntu!


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