Class Notes Day 14, Mon 2/19 - Seven Generations, Essential Oils, Blindfolded Massage, Flow

 "Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you."

[Fell on concrete, landing directly on L hip/glute last night. Feel no bone injury at all. Pain, micro-injuries, contractions, strains to L hip muscles and all proximal leg muscles/attachments. Treated with arnica, CBD, gentle massage. Much better by evening, but still needs time to heal. Remarkably better by morning, with tissue continuing to heal.]

What's the difference between dirt and soil?
Dirt is a subset of soil, lacking the microbes found in soil which plants needs to grow and thrive.

Tomorrow - 1 hour field trip to Biosphere leaving at 9:30. Class resumes promptly at 10:30.

Handed out songsheets and Gestalt paper

Stepping backward and forward 7 generations -
Standing shoulder to shoulder in the present time.
We all take 1 step back to our parents' generation. Talk about that.
Another step back to our grandparents' generation. Talk.
Another back to our great-grandparents', etc.
Complete 7 generations before us.
Return to present time.
Take one step forward for our childrens' generation. Discuss
Another step to our grandchildrens'...

Stepping in 20 year increments with the desire to make this world better for the next seven generations - an Esalen tribe concept

Live today so life remains possible for the next seven generations.

Essential oils are plant medicine. 
Use coconut oil to neutralize/dilute EOs that get in eye or on sensitive skin

Apply EO to soles of feet - it's into the blood stream in 60 seconds
   (you can taste it in one minute)
EOs are used transdermally (including canabis and arnica)

Blindfolded "Flow massage"
We all drew pictures of how we felt in our bodies before the massages began. Then the giver was blindfolded as she/he gave a massage. After the trade and both massages were done, we all drew a second picture of how we felt in our bodies having both given and received this type of massage.

*I wrote a separate post about this in order to explain my two pictures that look like the work of a psycho without understanding the imagery and symbolism

[during mid-afternoon, I received a massage from Miu - all supine due to my hip injury]

One of our goals in Esalen style massage is to increase the client's ability to tolerate receiving pleasure. Help the client be comfortable so they can experience pleasure.

How to move around the massage table

While working, direct hips toward area of focus

Chinese student: "My hands are my paintbrushes and the oil is my ink"

Be effortless in your work at the table

Exit off the TIPS of the digits (fingers/toes) and CROWN of the head


  1. I'm so inspired by all you're learning touring to your practice


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