Class Notes Day 15, Tue 2/20 - PMS/menstruation, Forearm massage, Superficial anatomy

"The future is always beginning now."

Learned a Chinese lullaby 

PMS/Menstruation protocol
spleen meridian, sacrum focus
3 arches of the feet
full foot massage (reflexology points)
leg compressions
Spleen meridian point 9 - medial, inferior to knee

Abdominal work with hesitant client
ask client to place their hand on top of mine while I work on abdomen
follow client's breath

Biosphere - I did not attend

"Energy follows intention"
What is the intention of this massage? My energy should match it.
Any massage affects the entire body - systemic affect, entire nervous system
Intention on specific areas and integrating long strokes
"Integrate your work"

Forearm massage on paraspinal muscles
keep elbow/forearm at almost 90 degree angle on client's body - do not get ahead of it
   too far behind will screw up body mechanics as well as msg quality

starts at levator, goes to posterior superior iliac spine
do deep EXTREMELY SLOW stroke along lateral border of erectors toward spine

If hand of leaning arm rests on forearm of other arm which is ahead, I can move the leaning hand up the other arm higher which will decrease the surface contact area of my elbow, thereby making the pressure more pointed and deep.

to move my feet
1. place other hand where forearm is, move feet with a long stroke, then resume
2. pivot on one foot's heel and move ball of foot forward, then pivot on the other until the archer stance has been resumed

when standing at table in archer pose, put posterior leg lateral to anterior leg - 
lean into the table and the weight of my arm

[Received massage from Ponik]

Massage directions to counteract the way we use our bodies:
Away from center - open the body, make it bigger and longer with more space in joints
Move up from foot to head on anterior surface of body
Move down from shoulders to feet on posterior surface of body

Anatomy of main superficial muscles

Posterior body - 
Levator scap
erectors - 3 sets
glute major
gastroc (massage - pull the two heads away from each other!)

Anterior body - 
pec major and minor
Obliques (attached to serratus)
transverse abdom
tibialis anterior

Teachers seem to negate the value of the knowledge of anatomy as it not being an important part of massage?! But they both know anatomy and use the terms in class so why do they know it if it's not important to Esalen massage?

I think it's important as a tool for clear communication with client, other professionals, and for my client notes. It gives me the body's landmarks as I move around. I know which direction various muscle fibers run so I can work their length or across the fibers. I know where they attach to which joints so I can do better joint movement and tissue lengthening. It shows me the relationship they have to each other. Myriad reasons to have a very strong handle on anatomy, not only of muscles, but bones, organs, circulatory system, nervous system, etc. 


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