Class Notes Day 18, Fri 2/23 - Hip/Leg Movement, Torso Twisting, Draping

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." 

I want to work blindfolded again. - interesting website, woman trained by Ellen

Spent the entire morning session "dancing." It's the first time we've had permission to casually make physical contact with one another, and it certainly looked like people were appreciating the freedom at last to do so. We started on the floor like babies, rolling around, then crawling, then learning to walk, etc. It was actually a lot of fun and very interactive without needing to speak any language. Unfortunately, I forgot about my chronic right knee problem so after a lengthy time crawling and playing on the floor, when I went to stand up... ouch. This, too, shall pass.

Based on Ellen's comments to the class, it sounds like a good bit of complaining has been done by one or more of the students. She seems to be trying to appease people as well as take care of individual needs and desires. 

Still need to trade with Iruka, Hope, Richard, Robert

I want to learn/practice in lab:
move client from supine to sidelying
working on hands and feet w/client prone
draped and undraped chest - sternum, subclavicular pecs, lateral ribs
snake arm under client's arm/leg
better full-body oil distribution
whatever "foot on foot" Iruka saw done

Clothed lab with moving client's leg on table to do cross-body work on leg, hip, and low back, torso twisting, compression on ribs and shoulder.

Then did a 1 hour supine massage incorporating hip rotation and leg movement across the table. 

Another same type trade later in the day after a different example of draping by Rob - much more secure and simple. 

First consider client's body size before deciding on body movement or not - length and weight of limbs. 

Consider client's spine issues as this work can potentially injury clients.

If the client's whole body is moving, there is bone compression so stop.

Drape - undrape shin if not already, lift foot with inside hand and grasp outside edge of drape close to foot of table, slide it up hamstring while flexing the knee so it's caught behind the knee as you laterally rotate the femur and bring knee up. Then pull the extra drape from other leg over, snugly under hamstring around to the side of the hip. 

Work on hip rotations, torso twist, etc.

Replacing drape - put a little tail of the drape next to the flat knee. Extend bent leg until it is straight and extend it diagonally out, taking the hip drape along to maintain covering. Lay that leg down. Grasp the tail of the drape and pull out in one continuous move (not too slowly, not a jerk). 

Esalen massage - 
   Be present
   Client's breath

Starting Sunday: "Final assessments" - final exams
we each have to give a 75 minute massage to a staff member


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