Class Notes Day 24 - Fri 3/1 - Closing Rituals, Certification, Dance Party

"Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact."

Sang Esalen native tribe parting song:
Drupa drewa
Wana Sae Wana
Wana Sae Wana Sae Wana Sae Wana

We stood in circle. Everyone put their hands over their own hearts and sang one verse. Then person #1 stood in front of person #2, placed their right hands on each other's heart chakras and their left hands over the other person's right hand and the whole group sang this song as they looked at each other. Then person #1 moved to person #3 and repeated this while person #2 stood on their own again. After next verse, person #1 moved to person #4 and person #2 moved to person #3. This continued repeatedly as the circle slowly moved over itself, allowing each person to share a verse with every other person in the room. 

It was very interesting how the energy exchanged between each pairing was different, some with big smiles, some couldn't make eye contact, some crying and embracing before moving on. It took a long time since there were at least 30 of us in the room. The teacher was angry that we started embracing and she kept trying to stop us. That kind of killed some of the warm-fuzzies of the experience.

Then we sat scattered on the floor. As we were moved to do so, we could go sit in front of anyone else and say what remained to be said, whether to clear the air or say "goodbye" or whatever. Just one at a time in front of each person. We were supposed to simply sit and listen as someone spoke to us, but it turned into conversation right away. Thankfully, we weren't corrected again.

Next we were each given a sheet of stationary and told to write ourselves a letter about how we felt right now, then put it in one of the provided envelopes and address it to ourselves, sealing it up. Ellen will mail them to us in a year. 

Then she talked more about the 30 evaluations that must be sent to EMBA (Esalen Massage and Bodywork Association) and the final process for certification, including paying a $150 fee to be certified and listed, as well as then being allowed to use the "Esalen certified practitioner" label. 

All 30 must be converted to PDF files and combined to make one single document which then must be emailed to Ellen, Rob, Jingni, and Rie. Jingni and Rie will review them. 

Then go to website At the top find "certificate application" and complete that. Include a professional picture (no tattoos, no tanktops) with our contact information for perspective new clients. When we submit all that and $150 to EMBA, then we will receive a digital certificate to print out. 

Whatever else we did "in school" that day isn't in my notes. It was all just closure stuff, not learning stuff. 

That evening we had dinner together in the restaurant at Mimpi. There was a three piece band that was very good singing a nice variety of music at a nice volume so we could both talk as well as listen to the music. Lots of dancing took place. I don't like to dance, but when "Almost Heaven" was being sung by my favorite restaurant maitre d', I flew out of my chair like a woman possessed. The entire class was stunned and cleared the dance floor to watch. It was, honestly, a lot of fun. And all without alcohol, in case you're wondering.


  1. Country Roads, take me home to the place I belong! West Virginia!!


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