Professional Massage #2

Practitioner's Name: Ponik

Recipient's Name: Nancy

Date: Tue 2/20

1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed?

No, he didn't ask me anything. But I communicated to him a couple times during the massage and he adjusted accordingly.

2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage?


3. Did your practitioner occasionally ask you how the depth of the work was for you, and if you were warm enough?

No. Some was a little deeper than I'd normally want, but I was curious about his unusual approach and knew I could have him lighten up if I really wanted him to. And, as usual, lack of warmth was not an issue.

4. Was your practitioner conscious of adequately draping you during your massage?

Yes, he draped me just as I requested and maintained my privacy during large body movments.

5. Please take time to make any additional comments you have about this massage experience.

It's one of the few massages where I wasn't ever even close to falling asleep. It was a very energetic, strong, active massage. It's the most "fun" massage I think I've ever had. Faster paced than I expected, but felt more "energetic" than "fast." On the plus side of that speed is that he did pack in a whole lot of bodywork in those 90 minutes. 

There were times when I felt like he was massaging "any person" rather than me as an individual. Sort of like "and this is what I do with hands" and "this is how I work on calf muscles..." rather than "Nancy's hand probably could use this particular movement" or "I can feel a knot in the lateral head of her calf muscle..."

At the end I was obviously awake, and I expected some comment telling me it was over, or at least that he'd stick around for a few minutes. I found it a little unsettling when he disappeared after the massage. He didn't say anything to me about being done, he simply left. 

Still, it was an amazing experience, and totally worth the 750.000 IRD


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