Slow as a Snail

Just a quick touch-in to let you know I'm fine, but busy. So my posting has slowed way down as we wrap up this final week of classes. Tomorrow is our last day, and we party tomorrow night. I have a vague recollection that something's going on Saturday morning, but really not sure as I sit here. In any event, very soon I will start to make up for "lost time" by writing, taking pictures, walking around, drawing, swimming, and general exploring. I learned this evening that right across the street is a tiny "convenience store" of sorts that has popsicles! I might even find potato chips. 

This morning as I was walking to class, I saw what I thought was a large stone (about the size of a fist) on the path. Thankfully, I looked again before I kicked it aside and I realized it was a snail - a rather large one by my standards. So, of course, I had to get down and take a closer look.

A little known fact about me is that I had pet snails (ordinary, very small garden snails) for about two years. That was about ten years ago. I learned to love snails. Don't judge them harshly. They are remarkable creatures. But rather than get into a long story about snails, I'm just sharing the three pictures I took this morning, then getting into bed. Tomorrow morning will be here shortly. So, goodnight!


  1. WOW!!! That is one VERY, VERY, VERY beautiful snail. ILYM, BL

  2. "It's nice to get invited to the parties and to be able to hobnob and celebrate a job well done with your colleagues." ~ Quentin Tarantino


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