Class Notes Day 25 - Sat 3/2/24 - LAST DAY OF CLASS - GOODBYES

"Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories... Do it as well as you possibly can. You will have created something."

Random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty...

There were beautiful flowers on the step into the wantilan, then an amazing centerpiece on the floor. I heard some of the students and teaching staff working on it last night. 

I cannot begin to guess how many flowers were gathered, then how many petals were plucked from those flowers, in order to have the "paint" for these floral images. 

We milled around and took various pictures together saying our final "goodbyes" before we took our last class picture. (I'm in the back center, in front of the orange silk with my hand up.)

Then we circled together one final time. Left hand on my own heart, right hand on the back of the person to my right, and so the circle connected. And we sang "All I ask of you is forever to remember me as loving you." 

Some students had already left to catch flights back to China, but most were there. Many went to the restaurant for our one final breakfast as a class. I sat outside with "Other Rob" (one of our teachers is named "Rob" also) and talked about what we'd be doing this next week. He'll be on the island still, too, so wants to start working on his 30-bodies-homework in order to get his certification done quickly. He asked if I would be willing to be one of his thirty, and of course I said "yes." He's not staying at Mimpi but somewhere nearby, so will text me when he's ready. 

Linus and Hope and Iruka are also staying here or nearby for the next few days. So we are going to dinner together tonight somewhere together. We'll be trading and sharing ideas for the next couple of days until I'm the only one left standing, so to speak. I plan to stay here at Mimpi for another week, leaving this amazing land on Sunday, March 10th. 

I still haven't done my formal assessment by a teacher. Ellen, our intrepid leader, will be doing mine. She's had to reschedule it a couple times, so with this empty week ahead now it will be easier to get together. She's generously offered to let me step in to whatever activities she's doing with a new class in a few days. I don't know how much I will join in since I really want some time to myself. But if there's something particularly interesting, I might have some unplanned adventures ahead. 

I guess the bottom line is that school isn't really over yet for me. With several trades ahead and my "final exam" (the assessment), I can't really cut ties with that energy. But at least I can breathe a bit, have a swim, stare into the distance, listen to music, and sit here in the early afternoon rather than sweating in class at this hour. 


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous flower art. Truly stunning. W O W

  3. It appears that you have had one of the most amazing experience of your life. I have profited from your sharing. My mind continues to reflect on The Hero's Journey. I contend that you have been on an AMAZING journey that has not only benefited you, but has and will benefit others. There is the external and there is the internal. Moreover, there is synergistic . . . WOW! Thank you!

  4. Thank you for taking us on your journey. NAMASTE 🙏. (Peeps)

  5. Great photos! And thank you for sharing your experience with all of us.

  6. From Judy D. Love all your pictures and narrative of the activities. This amazing trip will impact your life forever! I can’t wait to hear more when you return home. In the meantime, take pleasure and gratitude in each hour remaining there. Enjoy the week and safe travels home, my friend. ❤️😎


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