
Showing posts from February, 2024

Class Notes Day 24 - Fri 3/1 - Closing Rituals, Certification, Dance Party

"Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." Sang Esalen native tribe parting song: Drupa drewa Wana Sae Wana Wana Sae Wana Sae Wana Sae Wana We stood in circle. Everyone put their hands over their own hearts and sang one verse. Then person #1 stood in front of person #2, placed their right hands on each other's heart chakras and their left hands over the other person's right hand and the whole group sang this song as they looked at each other. Then person #1 moved to person #3 and repeated this while person #2 stood on their own again. After next verse, person #1 moved to person #4 and person #2 moved to person #3. This continued repeatedly as the circle slowly moved over itself, allowing each person to share a verse with every other person in the room.  It was very interesting how the energy exchanged between each pairing was different, some with big smiles, some couldn't make eye contact, some crying and embracing before movin

Slow as a Snail

Just a quick touch-in to let you know I'm fine, but busy. So my posting has slowed way down as we wrap up this final week of classes. Tomorrow is our last day, and we party tomorrow night. I have a vague recollection that something's going on Saturday morning, but really not sure as I sit here. In any event, very soon I will start to make up for "lost time" by writing, taking pictures, walking around, drawing, swimming, and general exploring. I learned this evening that right across the street is a tiny "convenience store" of sorts that has popsicles! I might even find potato chips.  This morning as I was walking to class, I saw what I thought was a large stone (about the size of a fist) on the path. Thankfully, I looked again before I kicked it aside and I realized it was a snail - a rather large one by my standards. So, of course, I had to get down and take a closer look. A little known fact about me is that I had pet snails (ordinary, very small garden sn

Class Notes Day 23, Thur 2/29 - Swirling on the Grass, Swim Party, Trade Massages, Anniversary Party

"Dare to believe the whispers in your ears that you might be special, that you might be meaningful, that one day you might change the world." Ellen asked us to meet at 6:30 in the morning to dance/spin in the grass next to one of the pools while the photographer and a drone captured images to be used in something that she's preparing for or contributing to.  We spent a good bit of time dancing, spinning, and otherwise rolling around on the grass and hugging the trees before we stripped down to our swimsuits and jumped in the pool. Much fun was had by all.  You won't find me in most pictures of class activities. I'm not one to be in the center of the action most of the time. I sing harmony, not melody. I'm an introvert.  In the dancing, I went from the outside edges down into the trees. I spent most of the time dancing with one tree in particular, actually. And it felt good. To me, anyway. Not sure if the tree liked it or not, though I suspect it did. I finishe

Woohoo, Rain! (Sun 2/25)

It's Sunday afternoon, the 25th. What I originally thought would be another full day is turning out to be lovely and homey, rather than schooly.  Last night we went on another supper outing (our class's second) at a resort that's slightly downscale from the one we visited about a week ago. It was my second time outside of Mimpi (the resort/retreat center we're staying in) since I arrived three weeks ago.  I was really grateful for the evening drive. I was able to see homes and businesses and temples and non-touristy areas in this more remote part of Bali Island. I can't even begin to describe what I've seen. I don't think I know the words to help you visualize what this part of the world is like - it is literally and figuratively so absolutely foreign to me. More on that the week after classes are done. Before we left Mimpi last night, the first heavy daytime rain started, so by the time we were gathered at the entry to load into cars, some folks were pretty

Class Notes Day 19, Sat 2/24 - Water Bodywork and Soundbath, Assessments

"Throw hesitation and insecurity out the window." General thoughts : Buy some float straps to use in warm pool at Bridge with clients. Classmates seem to be running out of steam, tired of giving/receiving massages, no time off, just overwhelmed. We still have a full week ahead of us next week. I don't remember being this exhausted or frustrated when I took the same class at Esalen. I think the incessant heat, humidity, and bugs is much more wearing on everyone. I also had the time and energy to eat every meal with the rest of my classmates in that class. This class is so taxing that most meals (of which there are only two per day) I eat alone in my air conditioned room while I do homework. I feel like the teaching isn't as clear as it used to be. It's still been worth my time and money, but not what I was expecting.  There's another important temple ceremony today that I'm not going to. Females are required to wear some sort of long skirt/sarong as well as

Class Notes Day 18, Fri 2/23 - Hip/Leg Movement, Torso Twisting, Draping

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."  I want to work blindfolded again. - interesting website, woman trained by Ellen Spent the entire morning session "dancing." It's the first time we've had permission to casually make physical contact with one another, and it certainly looked like people were appreciating the freedom at last to do so. We started on the floor like babies, rolling around, then crawling, then learning to walk, etc. It was actually a lot of fun and very interactive without needing to speak any language. Unfortunately, I forgot about my chronic right knee problem so after a lengthy time crawling and playing on the floor, when I went to stand up... ouch. This, too, shall pass. Based on Ellen's comments to the class, it sounds like a good bit of complaining has been done by one or more of the students. She seems to be trying to appease people as well as take care of individual needs and desires.  Still

Class Notes Day 17 [PART 2] - Thu 2/22 - Watching FIVE Masterful Esalen Practitioners Simultaneously Give Full Length Massages

This morning, both of our teachers as well as three of the teaching assistants simultaneously gave full-length massages to five of the staff while we watched. It lasted about an hour and a half. We were able to walk around the room and watch one or the other, or several at once, or take in the entire space of the five massages as well as the students watching. The room was silent and remained that way until the last one was finished.  Usually, we have a break at 1:30. It was nearly 12:30 when the five demos were finished. I was so overwhelmed with thoughts and information and wanted time to digest what all I'd just witnessed so asked if we could move the break up one hour and have our longer session as our third session of the day, instead of second. The group agreed, so I'm back at my keyboard as my way to review and integrate what I just experienced.  Most of these notes are reminders to myself to incorporate the various things into my own work. There wasn't a lot that wa

Important Note

I learned today that we will have class activities every single day until the course ends on March 3rd. The pace is exhausting to all of us, but we're certainly getting our money's worth. Even "the young people" in class are dragging! I'm posting mostly class notes these days, and that's likely to be more true for the next ten days. I can't even keep up with those, much less take time to write about other experiences or thoughts. And as to getting a tan or any such thing, hah! When, exactly?  I'm so glad that I made plans to fly back a full week after the end of class. I will have a week to myself, my own schedule, my own activities. I've given a lot of consideration to where I will stay and what I will do. What I thought would be important has dropped on my list of priorities, and what didn't even occur to me to be important has risen way up. So while the old "picture postcard" images of gorgeous beaches, infinity pools, stunning ric

Class Notes Day 17 [PART 1], Thu 2/22 - Forgiveness, Tidbits of Wisdom, 5 Master Massages, Lumbar Twist w/Legs

"There's a voice that doesn't use words. Listen." Get more clothes for hot, summer weather. Lightweight, loose, long "shorts". Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer - song Ho Opono Pono [Same four things as in A.C.T.S.] Table lab work - dressed, changed partners 3 times each Every massage is (or should be) a unique story, unique dance.  Seeing the client's soul is more important than technique or fancy moves. Every single massage you give will be an evolution of all the ones you've given before. It's not what I do to the client, it's what we create together. "Oohs" and "ahhs" and big sighs help oxygenate the blood which helps the muscles. Constantly return to myself, my breath, and the client's breath. Massage should end with client's arms and feet unbound and free - not "mummy" style Esalen massage is creative and changes each time. Practitioners at Esalen work side by side in the same space with others Hip joint

Class Notes Day 16, Wed 2/21 - Saraswati, Gestalt

"Each day is a new life. Seize it. Live it." Saraswati - Hindu/ Buddhist goddess of art, music, literature/speech, wisdom/learning/knowledge, flowing water, abundance/wealth Gestalt Contact/sense of self enter your experience explore express integrate Sat in small groups for Gestalt session Full hour trade with Hope Prepare yourself then notice your partner - what does she want? notice her breath notice how she moves and how she feels What do I want to offer her? Orient myself to her unique experience in this time and place Don't do MY agenda TO her What are HER needs? Do less - minimalist approach to touch? - interesting idea Use my two hands independent of each other, not always in unison Orient yourself to your client's sensory awareness for non-verbal feedback. Forearm work on hip and leg - prone over the sheet, do sacral compressions w/forearm (long, vertical) and hand compression    on scapula continue over hip lift lower leg, do joint mobilization movement wit

Professional Massage #2

Practitioner's Name: Ponik Recipient's Name: Nancy Date: Tue 2/20 1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed? No, he didn't ask me anything. But I communicated to him a couple times during the massage and he adjusted accordingly. 2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage? Yes. 3. Did your practitioner occasionally ask you how the depth of the work was for you, and if you were warm enough? No. Some was a little deeper than I'd normally want, but I was curious about his unusual approach and knew I could have him lighten up if I really wanted him to. And, as usual, lack of warmth was not an issue. 4. Was your practitioner conscious of adequately draping you during your massage? Yes,

Miu's Professional Photo Shoot

One of my beautiful Chinese classmates, Miu, had a professional photographer create a series of images for her use on her website and other such places. I felt quite honored when she asked me to be the table model for the shoot - surprised she asked me rather than one of the beautiful younger people in our class. Well, apparently I'm admired because of my age (wrinkles were mentioned in particular). In any event, I share them with you here, with thanks to Miu!

Before/After Massage Drawings from Mon 2/19 Class

  BOTH IMAGES ARE BIRD'S EYE VIEWS At first glance, these (my drawings) may look disturbing, or like the drawings of a disturbed mind. We did these in class on Monday 2/19, the one on the left being before giving and receiving blindfolded massages, and the second one after both giving and receiving said massages. I was given a half-size piece of paper folded in half again to do each drawing, as well as a black pen. I chose to do both as blind gesture drawings. If you are unfamiliar with the concept: "Popularized by Kimon Nicolaïdes in his 1941 book The Natural Way to Draw: A Working Plan for Art Study, the blind contour method involves carefully observing the outline and shapes of a subject while slowly drawing its contours in a continuous line without looking at the paper." Before (left image) : I was in a lot of pain after falling on concrete the night before. The pain was concentrated in two areas of my left hip (piriformis muscles and ischial tuberosity). I was laying

Class Notes Day 15, Tue 2/20 - PMS/menstruation, Forearm massage, Superficial anatomy

"The future is always beginning now." Learned a Chinese lullaby  PMS/Menstruation protocol spleen meridian, sacrum focus Prone/Supine   3 arches of the feet full foot massage (reflexology points) leg compressions Spleen meridian point 9 - medial, inferior to knee abdomen Abdominal work with hesitant client ask client to place their hand on top of mine while I work on abdomen follow client's breath Biosphere - I did not attend "Energy follows intention" What is the intention of this massage? My energy should match it. Any massage affects the entire body - systemic affect, entire nervous system Intention on specific areas and integrating long strokes "Integrate your work" Forearm massage on paraspinal muscles keep elbow/forearm at almost 90 degree angle on client's body - do not get ahead of it    too far behind will screw up body mechanics as well as msg quality starts at levator, goes to posterior superior iliac spine do deep EXTREMELY SLOW stroke

Report #2, Getting Massage

Practitioner's Name: Miu     Recipient's Name: Nancy Date: 2/19/24 1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed? Yes. I fell on my left hip last night, so she accomodated that and did no deep work as I asked. 2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage? Yes, many, and very slow ones. She wove me together. 3. Did your practitioner occasionally ask you how the depth of the work was for you, and if you were warm enough? No. The warmth is a non-issue here. And we already talked about no deep work so there was no need to ask more. 4. Was your practitioner conscious of adequately draping you during your massage? Definitely. Done gently and felt safe. 5. Please take time to make any additional comm

Class Notes Day 14, Mon 2/19 - Seven Generations, Essential Oils, Blindfolded Massage, Flow

  "Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you." [Fell on concrete, landing directly on L hip/glute last night. Feel no bone injury at all. Pain, micro-injuries, contractions, strains to L hip muscles and all proximal leg muscles/attachments. Treated with arnica, CBD, gentle massage. Much better by evening, but still needs time to heal. Remarkably better by morning, with tissue continuing to heal.] What's the difference between dirt and soil? Dirt is a subset of soil, lacking the microbes found in soil which plants needs to grow and thrive. Tomorrow - 1 hour field trip to Biosphere leaving at 9:30. Class resumes promptly at 10:30. Handed out songsheets and Gestalt paper Stepping backward and forward 7 generations - Standing shoulder to shoulder in the present time. We all take 1 step back to our parents' generation. Talk about that. Another step back to our grandparents' generation. Talk. Another back to our great-grandparents', etc

Professional Massage #1

Practitioner's Name: I'm not sure, but I think "Heni" (a woman at the Spa) Recipient's Name: Nancy Date: Fri, 2/2 (noonish) 1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed? She did ask what I wanted, what my goals were, but I don't recall her asking about depth of touch. I flew from home to Bali from 1/30 to 2/1, so was exhausted and had badly swollen legs/feet which was my main concern/request. 2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage?  Definitely, yes, with one exception. The requirement to wear underwear surprised me, and it didn't allow for the full-body flow (on skin) that I anticipated. There was still wholeness to the massage.  3. Did your practitioner occasional

Report #1, Getting Massage

Practitioner's Name: Hope Recipient's Name: Nancy Date: Sat 2/17 (2:30) 1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed? Yes, she did. She was very caring and remembered what I'd told her before the massage started. 2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage? Yes, it felt complete, and I felt complete. She did a good job of interspersing integrative strokes between working specific areas. 3. Did your practitioner occasionally ask you how the depth of the work was for you, and if you were warm enough? She did occassionally ask me for feedback, and was responsive to my requests. No question it was warm enough.  4. Was your practitioner conscious of adequately draping you during your massage?

Report #1, Giving Massage

Name:  Long Xing (R shoulder, L knee, 8:15 scuba) Date:  Sun 2/18 (7:am) 1. How did you feel during the session (emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally)? Anxious particularly because we do not share a common language, although Kate agreed to meet us there so I could ask Long Xing some important questions before I started (so I planned ahead). Anxious because it's my first full-length massage given here. Physically I felt fine although hot. Spiritually I was disconnected because my intellect was trying to remember all the nuances - where to exit/enter the body, watching client's breath, doing connecting strokes after detail work, proper body mechanics, etc. Mentally busy with everything I'm trying to learn. 2. What areas of the body did you feel comfortable working on? Back, hips, legs, neck, ears, arms, hands. 3. What areas of the body did you feel uncomfortable working on? Ran out of time to do much work supine, so did not work on face, torso, or feet. Not uncomfor

Form: Student Reports for Receiving Massage

Practitioner's Name: Recipient's Name: Date: 1. Did your practitioner take time before your massage to ask if you have any special needs, old or new injuiries, and what depth of touch you like? Did your massage reflect what was discussed? 2. Did your massage have an overall sense of integrity, wholeness, and flow? Did your practitioner use long, flowing strokes as a means of creating this sense of wholeness in your massage? 3. Did your practitioner occasionally ask you how the depth of the work was for you, and if you were warm enough? 4. Was your practitioner conscious of adequately draping you during your massage? 5. Please take time to make any additional comments you have about this massage experience.

Form: Student Reports for Giving Massage

Name: Date: 1. How did you feel during the session (emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally)? 2. What areas of the body did you feel comfortable working on? 3. What areas of the body did you feel uncomfortable working on? 4. How were you in touch or not in touch with your intuition during the session? 5. What did you learn from the client? 6. How will you improve your work?

What I will do today, Sunday, my "day off to relax"

Set my alarm for 6:am to be sure I'd be up. Shower, etc. 6:45 get to wantilan to prep to give massage to classmate 7:am give massage to classmate (Long Xing) (homework) 9:am finish massage, feedbck, and cleanup 9:15 shower, write up massage analysis form 10:am receive massage from classmate (Miu) (homework) noon give another classmate (Hope) a massage (homework)    [didn't happen so more time for other homework, paperwork] 2:pm - 3:pm feedback, cleanup, write up two massage analysis forms 3:pm  free time 3:45 shower, prep to go out 4:pm entire class is transported to another location for social time together    [I may go at 5:pm to have more time to rest] 6:30pm supper at that location 9:pm back to my room, set alarm for 5:30am to prep for 7:am class tomorrow 9:15 to bed

Class Notes Day 13, Sat 2/17 - Bodywork in water, Assessments

"There's nothing wrong with things taking time."   Met at pool to do more bodywork in the water. I love doing this and think of several clients I'd like to do this with at Bridge . I worked with someone I find intimidating so I was awful. But I believe I can do this well. Would like formal training in it. Have yet to see a Balinese male shirtless even in the pool. They wear sleeved shirts and long pants or shorts over their knees.  I'd like to get a basic swimsuit, one piece. I've moved not backward but forward.   "Are there any issues in your tissues?" - physical or personal pains or problems "Are there any issues with anyone in class?" - emotional issues with others Everything you eat is either plant medicine or poison. Esalen massage -     Flow    Slow    Pause    Be present    Breathe    Client's breath "Assessments" today - slightly longer than last week Starting next Sunday: "Final assessments" - final exams we

Class Notes Day 12, Fri 2/16 - Spinning, Esalen cornerstones, Supine Shoulder, prep to give massage Sun 7:am

"I choose to believe all things are possible." I heard a table crack when one of the students sat on it in the middle!    We've been told not to do that - they really are cheaply made tables On "lab days" we don't need to do long strokes next week's labs: supine shoulder and hip "Spin until you pass through the doorway..." Talked about Sufi Muslim "whirling Dervish" practice we sat on the floor and did a sort of 3-dimensional spin then got up and spun with a partner then spun by ourselves with a spotter watching over us Esalen massage cornerstones: long slow strokes that connect the body, reintegrate awareness of our own breath attentive to the breath of the client Goal for self and client - reach Maslow's hierarchy of needs top level Remember to go from long strokes to specific work then back to long strokes General to specific back to general Whole body to segment back to whole body [After (and before) the conversation about bou